The Morning was cold and overcast a real drag to get out of bed but i had promised my mates Pat and Cian that i would meet them down on the beach in cullenstown, deepest darkest south wexford,on the drive down my mind started to wander ,thoughts of Bass off the rocky shore in summer,the terns diving for the sandeels in the shimmering blue sea ,Bass rolling in the margins and sultry mornings, Bass spotting off the cliff tops in the early morning sunshine what memorys came flooding back on this dark dismal morning.
Pat and Cian were already fishing when i arrived but as i popped the question have you!!!no not yet,,but in a stange sort of way the water in this river look a like looked very fishy under the dark skys
i noticed Pat was on the spotted trout smith pannish a fantastic small lure for trout and Cian was on the flash minnow mustard backed and 60mm long these small lures are so detailed something the large lure manufactures and dealers should take a lot more seriously there small lures expecially with lighter plugging rods coming to the market all the time ,,these two had dumped their bass gear for a 2000/3000size set up much lighter for the hard fighting Sea Trout and they seriously know their Trout fishing
the perfect trout set up below
Pat below is in deep concentration ,the slightest pluk or small bang could be a Sea Trout of a lifetime ,,in these productive waters they can turn up any time, trout will nip and snap at your lure and you have to be very aware what is going on under the water i would say many Bass Anglers out there have had takes off of Sea Trout without realising it one ultra fast knock and gone,,sound familiar??
Pat and Cian on a fine strech of back water below,Bass are also to be had as well as superb sea trout
A call from Cian and a fish was on!! fresh out of the sea a Trout leaps for its life a sport fish of epic proportion so much so the fish Cian hooked parted company with the hook we estimated around4lbs 3ft above his head this fish had just leaped 7to 8ft out of the water and parted company with the hook what a sight to behold Cian was unconsolable ,but thats what these fish do to you.
about 100yds down stream there was another angler who just landed a fine sea trout Cian is going to go ballistic!!
A fine fish of around 2lbs fresh from the sea ,look at the sea lice on the head and flanks a sure sign of a fresh run fish

Pat had moved up just round the bend and a glance up from me it looked he was into a tidy fish that little smith pannish had done it again this is a serious trout leaping and diving deep testing tackle and angler to the limit great stuff on plugs for early march
A fine sea trout of 3 lbs what a super fish for a very talented sea trout angler well done Pat,,
In reflection today showed me that these guys Pat andCian make things happen they work hard at the right venues at the right times with the right gear and in a irish winter catch fish on plugs!!!i have mabey showed them a trick or two on the Bass but when it comes to these pure bars of silver these irish guys can do the buisness ,on the way home i forgot about the summer bass all i could think of were those fantastic,majestic Sea Trout what fish they are and do they brighten up an irish winter???You Bet They Do
hi gee your on about a familiar knock, what do you do afther that, strike ?? stop reeling,or???
because I have had thouse knocks
Regards Rene
Most of those seatrout in the photos are slangers and should not have been killed.
They have just returned to the estuary after spawning.
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